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Falling freely through seas of emptiness. Tossing, turning, drifting, lifeless. At the speed of light. Lost all count of time. Seeping thro...

Saturday, 10 September 2011

May be someday,,,

Standing on the edge, I stare into a future filled with endless uncertainty.
Drawing me closer, it's hard to fight this force of gravity.

Blinded from what lies beneath, I hear the call of destiny.
I take a dive deep within myself, searching for further clarity.

I try to realise what I truly seek, what lies out there.
But the deeper I delve, I begin to realise I am my own worst nightmare..

Enchained by my own thoughts and beliefs, I struggle to take my step,
My courage shrinks to nothing as I  grow sceptic of the road ahead..

May be there is more to learn, more to understand where my truth really lies,
There definitely is a hope, one day I will again be able to rise
May be someday...
May be someday...

1 comment:

  1. "But the deeper I delve, I begin to realise I am my own worst nightmare.."

    Yes, I totally sign this! That's so true.
