Boy! does this appreciation make me feel high or what!!
By giving me this award my friend "(musical notes) philo (musical notes)" [] has given my writing some meaning and given me a sense of belonging to this blogging space..thanks so much philo!
M just here sharing my views on this life as i see it.. Enjoying it as I go.. Hope that you enjoy it too..
The following are the Rules for the awardee:
1. Post the award on your blog with the rules
2. List three things you would change if you were the overlord
3. List the blogs you're awarding and leave them a message :)
If I were the Overlord..
* I would make sure that everyone had the powers of SUPERMAN.
its not just his strength & powers that make him a hero. It's his will & heart that pushes him to do good and be selfless that makes him SUPERMAN. Within every heart exists some kind of love and caring.. This love and care doesn't get used to its true potential. If everyone loved and cared for everyone else the way
superman does, we all would succeed in becoming the strongest and happiest superbeings just like
* Food & Music would be easily and freely available..
* Everyone would learn how to dance(especially the tango) and sing (any song but - kolaveri chiiiii)..
Now, I'll be passing on this award to a couple of bloggers I have recently come across and who are worth checking out :)
Since I hav very few friends here, my list is quite small..
* Michelle P.
A soulful writer with beautiful poems.. her blog's an insite into nature, hope and all things beautiful and true.. She's been silent for quite some time, but the spark she gave already turned into a flame.. thank you mich :)
* Chints
The Blunt Blogger, capable of taking us through various scenarios in a thrilling or light & entertaining manner.. Her writing seems to get even more griping with every post.. Also has a knack for capturing some beautiful stills.. Her poems too put a smile on our faces..
Keep going chints!
* (musical notes) philo (musical notes)
it's like reading a romantic novel or actually lying down with your lover.. philo writes the most beautiful romantic pieces i've come across which sometimes end with a twist.. like it tat way!
* Daisy Luv & Light
Inspiration flows from her blog.. I look up to her blogs for my daily dose :) She's always looking for a positive approach in d dimmest of situations.. Thanks Dina.. keep showin us the way.. Let the luv & light flow!!
* Tracie
Her photography is enough to inspire you.. She also tells us how to get thru the ways of this life.. very inspiring Tracie.. keep going :)
* Saru
Some very beautiful poems I stumbled upon at your blog Saru.. Looking forward for more.. :)
* Kunal
If you wanna c what beautiful pain looks like,, you should go thru his poems some time..
let it flow kunal..!!
* Blasphemous Aesthete
Hard hitting action filled words that make your read zippy and hell-right entertaining.. Truly admire your writing ! :)
After reading this you people need to keep the flow of the OVERLORDs going..
The following are the Rules for the awardee:
1. Post the award on your blog with the rules
2. List three things you would change if you were the overlord
3. List the blogs you're awarding and leave them a message :)
Cheers!! :)