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Falling freely through seas of emptiness. Tossing, turning, drifting, lifeless. At the speed of light. Lost all count of time. Seeping thro...

Friday, 20 December 2024


The thing you want the most in life , 
is not just the perfect soulmate , 
or the best of luxuries n travel …       
but the freedom to just live life the way you want to ..  
to do the smallest, the most audacious and
the most unthinkable things your heart desires.

Whether it’s right or if it’s  wrong,
To become a new self if required 
You still want  to learn, 
even to experience the wrong.
To take the best out of it and unlearn the rest.

To not just fade away into the crowd.
To keep the fire going at every cost.

And to always be your own Spark.

Saturday, 14 September 2024

Illegal Zionist Occupation

 Murdering civilians with deadly bombs and chemical weapons - White phosphorus, rockets and missiles.

Cause it’s profits that governments and corporations  prize. It will make way for another trade line, like the Suez Canal with billions of dollars in Oil n gas that can be mined.

They steal land n conquer. In the end it’s all that matters. The oppressor becomes the victim, and the innocent the perpetrator. 

No one cares for the bodies that pile, the pregnant women and little children , the old and the young, they are all alike.

For the hundreds or thousands or even millions that can’t survive, It’s part n parcel of what ethnic cleansing looks like.

So in name of a few they  commit atrocious war crimes.There’s  a fortune to be made in brazen hard lies…

Even though the war cost a million lives, the propaganda silences all the cries ..

The truth lies buried under the rubble of devastation.. Zion killed Palestine over and over in 75 years of it’s illegal occupation  ..

Saturday, 16 March 2024

dark dungeon

The fault was mine.
I saw goodness in this world, when there was none.
I saw hope for a change, but ego and self love had taken over the whole place.

Just a dark dungeon where only the self is worshipped.
A place where other’s feelings are totally  vanquished.
A place where no one’s individuality can ever flourish.
A place where other’s wills have to fully submit.

Just an ostentatious facade put on before the rest of this world.
Behind it, they consider everyone below their own selves
Behind it, they hate everyone that’s unlike their own.
Behind it, they wish evil for others while preaching their own being of godliness 

Have lost all hope in these godly beings of this godly world.
People dying of dire conditions due to lack of understanding and support.
All that the world needs is just to lend an ear and hear the voice of the ones crying in despair.
Everything will just fall into place , 
once the ego is silenced. 
What the mind has torn apart,
The heart will mend again.